Best Coloring Books for Adults

The 5 Best Coloring Books for Adults

Who said coloring was reserved for kids? Adult coloring books made their debut in 2012 and have continued to rise in popularity ever since. From being a stress reliever to a brain booster, there are plenty of benefits that go along with adult coloring books – and not only that, they’re just plain good old-fashioned fun.

If you’re thinking about dabbling in the “art” of adult coloring books, you might be wondering where to start – and this handy article is here to help. Below, you’ll discover the top five coloring books for adults, along with exciting information about why adult coloring books are necessary for everyone.

Adult Coloring Books. It's a Real Thing!

When someone hears the word “coloring book,” they picture adorable little kiddos enjoying their princess or dinosaur coloring book with tons of colors that are likely scribbled outside the lines.

But in this day and age, it can also mean an adult engaging in a fun coloring activity with intricate lines and patterns designed to soothe the mind and boost brain function.

It’s true – adult coloring books are real, and they’re spectacular (thanks, Seinfeld, for the great phrase).

Are Adult Coloring Books Effective?

There’s a reason why adult coloring books have been getting all the buzz in recent years – they work. In fact, they work in six incredible ways that will positively impact your life:

  • Stress relief. As you go through the coloring page, your brain enters a meditative state, successfully reducing stress levels.
  • Reduced anxiety. Performing a calming activity with a clear outcome can help reduce anxiety. Ever heard of art therapy? That’s precisely what’s taking place while enjoying an adult coloring book.
  • Increased positive thinking. While focusing on the coloring book, you’ll have an easier time getting your thoughts and feelings in line. In turn, you can expect more positive thoughts.
  • Improved brain function. Coloring activates your brain’s cerebral hemispheres, improving brain function overall.
  • Enhanced creativity. Unplugging the electronics and being in complete control of a piece of artwork means that you can release your creativity, leading to a more fulfilling and colorful life.
  • Improves motor skills. Motor skills might be talked about heavily in elementary school, but they’re just as important later in life. Hone your motor skills with a coloring book!

The best part is that adult coloring books are relatively cheap, and no experience is required. Anyone can become an artist overnight. All you need is your preferred vessel – colored pencils, crayons, paint, etc.

Does Coloring Help With Anxiety?

Coloring has been proven to help reduce anxiety, which is one of the main reasons why adult coloring books have become so immensely popular in recent years.

Coloring helps with anxiety in three specific ways. For one, the artist focuses on the drawing rather than themselves and their worries. Focusing on a simple task allows the brain to relax. Lastly, coloring is easy, and there are no rules involved. So, one can “break free” without fear or consequences.

So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious and don’t know where to turn, consider breaking out an adult coloring book and getting to work. You should feel less anxious with every minute that passes by.

The 5 Best Coloring Books for Adults

Needless to say, engaging in an adult coloring book can be highly advantageous in many areas of life. But which one should you buy? If you’re ready to try your hand at adult coloring books, here are the top five choices to consider.

1. Not Your Mama's Psycho Chihuahua

If you love animals but don’t want the “cutesy” version, you might want the “Not Your Mama’s Psycho Chihuahua” coloring book. This snarky coloring book comes with 25 animals turned into mandalas, presenting an exciting design to shade and tint. However, each one comes with an R-rated name that will likely shock and intrigue you.

2. Namaste Bitches: A Yogi's Swear Word Coloring Book for Adults

Yes, yoga is meant to be relaxing. But have you ever just wanted to say, “f it?” If you’re like many other “yogis” that have had far too many inappropriate thoughts before, during, or after a yoga sesh, this coloring book is meant for you. From the front to the back page, you’ll be delighted with the patterns and hilarious commentary that are 100% relatable.

3. F*cking Mandalas: A Badass Adult Coloring Book

If you’re not looking for anything fancy – you just really want to clear your head and not consider yourself “crazy” for the next hour – this is the adult coloring book for you. It’s jam-packed with 100 thrilling mandalas to color to your heart’s content. So, consider this coloring book if you’re trying to relax after a crazy day with that one boss (you know who) or need a chill pill after losing that football game.

4. I'm A Fucking Legend

You’re an effing legend – it’s true. But you might’ve forgotten. For those moments when you’re feeling a little wimpy and lackluster, turn to this awesome adult coloring book. Not only does it come with cool mandalas to color, but you’ll also find an assortment of affirming phrases to get your head out of your, well, you know what. Color this book and conquer the world with confidence.

5. Fuck Parenting 101

Parenting isn’t easy. And if you’ve reached the point where you’re ready to lose your sh**, you’re not alone. But don’t reach for the sauce, and don’t get cranky and start yelling at those little boogers. Relax, release, and unwind with this unique adult coloring book. Specifically designed for parents, it’s sprinkled with exciting mandalas and lots of relatable parenting quotes.

Adult Coloring Books Are Highly Beneficial to One’s Health

If you’re looking for an easy and budget-friendly way to unclutter your mind and improve your daily life, adult coloring books may be the answer. Adult coloring books reduce stress and anxiety while also improving brain functionality. Not only that, but they’re tons of fun – especially if you opt for one of these hilarious and relatable coloring books from Snarky Modrfokr!